Using the webapp, Log-on, click 'Admin button' -> 'Account button', check your balance and top-up if neccesary.
Create an Asteroute service ('CRP Editor' button -> 'new') see Documentation
Connect your web-page to the Asteroute Connector service:
Add a AsterConn connect button ( id="ac2cal" or id="ac2cnd") to your web-page
The button is configured to connect to your Asteroute service by setting the button value="Your Service"
If a two-button style is chosen make sure that the "END" button, id="ac2end", is added
If your Asteroute service requires user input then you can add a keypad (see example) to your page
A two-button style using separate Start and End buttons
A one-button style using a single button to Start the connection and End the connection.
The button colour and text changes to reflect the different modes.
This is an example two-button style that connects to an IVR Asteroute service and uses the keypad for user input.